Business Winning Operations
Business Development Organization
Suggest organization designs and hiring strategies to optimize your international strategy
Assist creating job specs and identify potential candidates
Full range of capability from running a capture, creating a capture plan to advising on capture process, team organization and motivation
Assist in organizing, structuring, managing and review of proposals
Customer Ambassador - Trusted Adviser
Working with an associate and based on a successful, established program, provide a day long workshop to teach employees the tools and techniques required to become Customer Ambassadors and create meaningful trusted relationships. The course is a strong aid to business development but also applicable to internal business areas who need to collaborate and provide services to each other.
Business Winning Operations - the Business Winning Engine Room
Advise on a staged business winning qualification process
Advise on policies, procedures and training required for an effective BD organization
Assist in the design of policies, process and training
Trade Show Planning and Support
Identify trade shows that align with your product and market strategies
Provide advice on how to present your products/service at trade shows
Attend trade shows on your behalf if required